
Friday, April 27, 2012

Attempt #2

I don't know if anyone is still following this blog or not.  If they are awesome, if not, then I get to keep it quiet for a while longer.  If you do happen to see this please keep it quiet elsewhere until I know a little bit more.  I don't want to tell a ton of people and then have to tell them later that something happened.

Anyways, we are pregnant again, 8 weeks today.  First appointment was Monday April 23rd and we had an ultrasound and didn't see a heartbeat but I am very sure there was more baby in there than the last time.  The Dr said the baby was measuring just before or around when they develop a heartbeat so that gave me some hope.  Very discouraging but symptoms have been more than last time.  I am hoping that I just ovulated late and we will see one Tuesday, a week and a day later or that maybe the Dr just missed it.  This ultrasound is at the hospital so they should have better equipment than the drs office ultrasound machine.  If you are reading this thoughts and prayers would be so appreciated!  Thanks!  

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