
Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Ultrasound

I had my first Ultrasound on Friday.  We didn't see much of anything but a gestational sack and a yolk sack.  I could be not as far along as we thought and so if we wait a bit things may be different later.  We have another on Wednesday.  I really hope baby decides to make an appearance.  I had some more blood work done on my HCG levels on Friday.  I will have them checked again on Sunday to make sure they are going up.  If they are then things are probably good, if they are going down then it is game over!  I am not ready for that.

If my symptoms are any indication then todays emotional roller coaster says everything is fine.  I was very upset about my house being a mess and then DH mentions how he doesn't do anything.  And he does... he goes to work and goes to school and I am here more than he is and I should be doing some housework too.  So that had me very upset and hubby decided to make me feel better and two seconds later I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.  Sometimes I worry because I don't have morning sickness but then my mom said she didn't a whole lot either.

Work is going fine.  I do have to find someone to work my shift for Thanksgiving and into the day after because my dr didn't think it was a good idea to have me work overnight with taking insulin.  She says it can be difficult with someone who does it everynight... someone who just does it once it is almost impossible to keep it under control.

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