
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thats the end of that

We didn't see a heartbeat or a baby in this ultrasound either.  She diagnosed it as a blighted ovum and it should soon miscarry from my body.  I am doing ok, surprisingly better than I thought I would be.  I think that is in part to the prayers that everyone sent up for me, which I greatly appreciate.  It wasn't the outcome I wanted but I do think God helped me through it.  Sometimes I think it was just easier before I was a Christian.  Then I didn't care what God thought or what his will was for me.  Now I think about what he wants for me.  I wish I knew for sure.

So what our plan of action is right now is to let my body do its thing and expel the tissue from my body.  If this doesn't work I am going to take medicine to make my body abort the tissue.  I am going to save the scary nasty D&C for last if the other two don't get rid of everything.  Then the Dr wants me to go through a normal cycle before we try again.  I think we are going to try again.  Continue to pray for us :)

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